====== Edená´º ====== Welcome to the wiki of the Edená´º computing cluster. The cluster is located at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of Warsaw University of Technology. This Wiki serves as a user manual. It is developed "live" based on user needs. It should not be considered a comprehensive source of information but rather a supplement to other resources. ==== Contact ==== Email: [[hpc.wmini@pw.edu.pl]]\\ MS Teams Group: [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aSyOF24Beje7o6-VI5zD2VUi4z2Qt-Zwp-SBPtk0CrGE1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=b3d1c224-9861-454d-a167-4acc76c299d7&tenantId=3b50229c-cd78-4588-9bcf-97b7629e2f0f|eden.mini]] ===== Handy Links: ===== SLURM queueing system description: https://slurm.schedmd.com/quickstart.html